Give your hundred per cent in whatever you do and become a champion.

The power of motivation is often either underestimated or brushed aside by some people. People fail to realize that motivating someone in any arena of life only cultivates more force in generating positive feelings. To pat someone on the back, to congratulate someone when the going gets great or to vouch for someone during his peak form is a mere reinforcement of your support to a person. However, the real use of motivation comes in when the chips are down; nothing seems to be working fine and when someone is under pressure to perform. When the going gets tough, all that one needs is someone to put an arm around the shoulder, reaffirm the faith and ignore a few mistakes. On the contrary, most people go wrong in this context and run out of patience. They create an atmosphere of extreme pressure and instead of creating a scope for a comeback, they pull the person deeper into stress and kill the performance totally. This in turn results in loss of love, understanding and results. ...