
Showing posts from March, 2017

Numbers for Success

Did you know that numbers can make a difference to your career, relationships and life in general?  Try the following and see the results for yourself. Average of 5 You become an average of 5 people you spend your time with. If people around you are positive, hard working, focused and career driven then they will sub-consciously influence you to become like them. In this case, the opposite is also true, if you are in company of people who are dishonest, careless, lazy and aimless then chances are that you may follow them. It is therefore very crucial to choose you company with care.     7 Days Appreciation You would be surprised to know that human beings need at least one appreciation in a week. If people do not get a pat-on-the-back or if they are not acknowledge for a job well done then they begin to withdraw from that relationship. You will also notice unhappiness, lack of excitement and a feeling of withdrawal in people. So, if you want to keep relatio...

Get it right the first time! - One of the best Article by Rahul kapoor

To get things right the first time is easier said than done. Many people struggle, some give up and remain ordinary, others excel and become champions. The quest to get things right itself is difficult and get to get it right the first time can really be challenging . Try the following: Invest time in planning Fail to plan and you will plan you fail. Get started by understanding the final deliverables, evaluate various approaches, anticipate problems and be prepared with backup plans. Have an eye for details and leave nothing to chance. If executed well, a strong plan can almost certainly guarantee you success. Ask for help and Seek feedback We live in a world of interdependence and people are wired to help and support each other.  Ask for help when you lack clarity, asking does not make you small; on the contrary, it is a sign of strength. Also, seek others feedback, take suggestions and find ways to enhance the quality of a job. Feedback is not an intrusion, it is an invita...