Numbers for Success

Did you know that numbers can make a difference to your career, relationships and life in general?  Try the following and see the results for yourself.

Average of 5

You become an average of 5 people you spend your time with. If people around you are positive, hard working, focused and career driven then they will sub-consciously influence you to become like them. In this case, the opposite is also true, if you are in company of people who are dishonest, careless, lazy and aimless then chances are that you may follow them. It is therefore very crucial to choose you company with care.   

 7 Days Appreciation

You would be surprised to know that human beings need at least one appreciation in a week. If people do not get a pat-on-the-back or if they are not acknowledge for a job well done then they begin to withdraw from that relationship. You will also notice unhappiness, lack of excitement and a feeling of withdrawal in people. So, if you want to keep relationships going and performance enhanced, then a minute to say a few good words about that person.  

21 Days Strategy

Ben Franklyn’s gave to the world the 21 days miracle formula. If you think of yourself as a loving and a worthy person for 21 days non-stop then you begin to feel and act like one; if you complain and whine on an on-going basis then you become a negative person; if you think of your goals on a continuous basis, you begin to make steady progress to achieve them. It may sound too simple to be true but it works. The deal is 21 days continuously, if you miss a day, then try for 21 days all over again.

Re-fuel once in 100 Days
Did you know that motivation is to life what petrol is to a vehicle? At best, a dose of motivation works for 100 days and it needs to be refueled. You can seek motivation from any source of your choice like reading books, chatting with your coach, attending formal training or any other source but is vital that you recharge at least once in 100 days. The more the better, however, do ensure that all your sources are consistent in their messaging else you may be lost and look confused.

1000 Days Test
It is not easy to find a career that you love. How often we find people giving up on their dreams too early in life and make compromises? Photographers, models, designers, well people in every profession need time to understand the nuances of the field, pick up relevant skills, experiment and fail, learn from mistakes and bounce back, perform and get results. Hang in there for at least 1,000 days of litmus test before you dismiss yourself.

5W & 1H
This is also known as the 5 Wives and 1 Husband concept. To achieve anything in life just answer a few simple questions  – What, When, Why, Where, Who and How. For example a young ambitious professional  may write down what he wants to achieve in the next 5 years and the reasons why he wants to work towards that goal, where can he make a beginning, who are the people he can seek support from and how will he go about the plan. You can redo these questions in as many ways as you want but get some solid thought provoking insightful answers and walk your way to success.


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