With another new year having set in, it’s time to introspect and evaluate whether you really turned your desires into reality or you tricked yourself out of success in 2011.
A lot of people get satisfied by winning small battles and convincing themselves that they have progressed. They do everything to look busy by putting in long hours but carefully and willingly avoid every situation that needs them to encounter their dark side. Eventually, the year goes by with a false feeling of achievement. However, the truth is that they just took baby steps to move ahead and consciously chose not to participate in bigger war to get big results.
Staying in comfort zone, choosing security, avoiding risks are traits of average human beings and research says that over 90% of the population prefer this kind of life. It is only the 10% who go all the distance and make a big difference to their lives and the lives of those around them.
Get out of ‘I am too busy right now to deal with this’ habit, because more often than not people will only ignore or postpone the big ticket items, those that require big efforts or major decisions which can impact crucial areas of life like relationships, career, wealth, health among other things.
In reality, people play a self defeating game by allowing their dark side to rule. Like for instance some people are stuck in the habit of procrastination, inadequate skills to plan and be organized, inability to deal with the fear of unknown, encountering difficult people or situations and lack of appetite to take risks. Irrespective of what is stopping you from the real-success you have to take a stand to overcome it and get things done to move on in life.
Ursula James, a premier hypnotherapy practitioner from UK in her book ‘You Can Be Amazing’ writes and I quote ‘Break down something huge and overwhelming into small and manageable pieces. By breaking the process into small sections, habit, thoughts, behaviors – and get to grips with each one, effortlessly, so that you can become this amazing you without being aware of any conscious effort. This way the change will stick for ever. By breaking it down into small, manageable pieces it becomes practically effortless – and this way you are much more likely to get started, keep going, and get what you want’.
Eleven months from now, you will be assessing what you achieved in 2012 and you will be disappointed if your dreams do not turn into reality. So, gather the courage and pick up the most difficult but significant goal and take it head on. Identify the concern areas which are stopping you from making progress and rage a war against them. Work on a systematic plan, seek support, be ready to lose small battles but keep moving, encounter the enemy within and defeat him in his own game and surprise him with success. It’s simply now or never.
Rahul Kapoor 


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