Fear is a powerful force. It is the enemy of success. Fear of all kinds and sizes is a form of psychological infection. It is a pessimistic concern. It roots in the depths of despair and worry and stress in general. Fear is such that it breaks down and destroys your will, your spirit and your fire inside. More people suffer in life because of fear rather than a disease or an inability. The ill effects of fear are many, let’s try to understand them.
Because of fear we remain average
Ever wondered why some people never make it big in spite of having great skills! They have good ideas but they don’t share it, they have a solution but don’t discuss it. They have questions in their minds but don’t ask and have answers at the tip of their  tongue but don’t talk. That’s because of the fear of rejection, the fear that someone might laugh or belittle their ideas. This attitude stops them from growing in their career and they remain average.
Because of fear we cheat on our dreams
Often we come across people who are frustrated with their jobs and want to move on with something different. They think, talk and then forget. However, they always carry the guilt of their inaction and feel self-defeated. Their inability to take risks combined with the fear of failure buries their dreams for ever.
Because of fear we postpone              
Some tasks are so big that we always find a way of putting them off until tomorrow. We like to keep ourselves busy with relatively easier tasks until the big task becomes important and then urgent. Suddenly, we wake up and put in our best but never really match up to the required quality and put up a poor show. Our inability to set aside a little time for planning and preparing for possible hurdles put us in bigger mess.
Because of fear we don’t do things we know we should be doing
Complimenting people or reprimanding them, expressing your love or anger towards someone, standing up for your opinion, saying – I am sorry, I was wrong, I love you or I miss you, are all very important but some people just cannot say it. Why? Because of fear – either the ‘fear of looking bad’ or ‘the fear of being termed as over expressive’ keep them away from doing the right things.
Now, if you analyze the real problem it would surface out that fear only exists in our minds. The fact is that with some effort we can tame fear and even overcome it. So, face your fear. The cure for fear is action. Separate fear from the situation that you are in and then take constructive action.
If you are afraid of what other people may think and say, then make sure that you plan to do things right. Be genuine in your efforts and be true to your-self. Let your action speak for itself. Don’t forget, people talk not only when you fail but also when you succeed because they have mastered the art of criticizing. Now it is up to you, whether to listen to them or your inner-voice and conscience.
If you are afraid of failures then let me share with you that successful people fail more often than unsuccessful people. How? Because they try, if they fail they learn from the experience and try again and again until they succeed. You can either get started or wait until the perfect day. The fact is “the perfect day is the day when you begin”.
Fear of rejection is normally associated with bad experiences of childhood that continues to haunt our present. The impact of this fear is normally seen in people’s behaviors especially when they try to achieve things either by force, anger, aggression or by quite emotional means. This state of being requires consistent effort over a period of time to build your self-worth and confidence. Surround yourself with people who are go-getters, when in doubt talk to someone who can help you realize your true potential. Get active and take quick decisions. Avoid negative thoughts, negative talks and negative people.
Inability to take risks can stop you from growing and can make you a whiner for life. No one has ever gained good fortune by chance; they have gained it by taking risks. If you want to make it big, then you got let go of your comforts and play hard. Give yourself a 50:50 chance in life by taking intelligent risks. You can’t fly high if you don’t let go of things that are holding you to the ground. Risks can be minimized, if you have information to take decisions. So, make it a point to ask questions, clarify doubts and gain as much knowledge as you can. If you are still unable to take a decision, then seek help. But eventually you have to take the action to move forward.
Remember that fear can have a control over you only if you permit it.


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