Ask any manager and he will tell you that it is a grave mistake to take on work that the team does not have time and resources to handle.  In spite of this known fact, people still become victims of over commitment and invite trouble.
There can be many reasons for accepting all the work that comes along like urgency to meet monthly targets, temptation to make more money, fear of losing opportunities, fear of looking inadequate, inability to say no, avoid disappointing customers  and the list can go on. However valid the reason, it still has its adverse effect on people, relationships, quality of work and eventually the health of business.
The over commitment curse forces people to over stretch, make compromises of different kinds, live under stress to close jobs and unwanted errors occur. In some cases, timelines suffer creating unhappy customers and eventually takes away the peace and joy of doing things.
Every professional knows that he must rise to the occasion and deliver. However, it is equally important to ensure that one makes commitment that can be kept. Here are a few suggestions that can make life easy and business a pleasure:
  1. Consult your team and take their views on how much everyone can stretch to deliver quality results and make commitments accordingly.
  2. Spend adequate time on planning and allocate the right resources to ensure that the work is done in time.
  3. If needed, increase your resources temporarily, seek support from other teams in your organization or out-source the job if you are confident of keeping a check on quality.
  4. Be transparent and honest with your customers while you make a commitment, especially if it is a last minute order or request. Keep them posted on your schedules and let them know that it will be a stretch. This approach will not only earn you respect and understanding but will also keep away unwanted misunderstandings.
  5. Let go of some assignments, if you really do not have the band-width to deliver. It is better to do ‘some jobs’ extremely well rather than spoil ‘most jobs’ because of over commitment.
  6. If there is a need to say no, then say it honestly without guilt. Be assertive and let your customers know why it is not possible to service them at this point in time.  You can however offer support by referring them to someone who you think can do justice to their needs.
Most businesses survive on referrals and feedback, therefore, it is important not to make commitments and break them. No reasons are valid, no excuses are acceptable, the only thing customers need is results.


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