Teamwork is about getting results with people. However, while working with others differences do develop giving rise to conflicts, arguments and misunderstandings.
Office politics can also play a role in straining relationships and creating stress. The result is work and people all suffer.
So, is there is mantra that can work in establishing peace and bringing sense back to work place? Yes, the answer lies in mastering the art of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is the act of love against those who hurt us. Forgiveness is the highest form of human behavior that can be shown to another person. It is letting go of the need to seek revenge for the past offenses.
But practicing forgiveness is not easy because most people find it difficult to forget those who hurt, cheat or let them down. Some feel it is a sign of weakness to forgive someone and for some it is a matter of ego and reputation to let go and strangely some forgive but can’t forget!
This feeling of revenge unsettles a mind, making it restless and weakens decision making abilities. By not forgiving others, we give them a chance to occupy rent-free space in our mind. It is surprising that people who hurt us even forget, but we hold on to the hurt and begin to live with it. We experience pain and sufferings, get angry and bitter, blame others and create a negative behavior which causes high level of stress, spoils our health and decreases productivity.
Here are my top 5 tips that can help you to practice forgiveness:
 1. Take your time
Take your time, settle down with the thought of letting go, convince yourself that you want to forgive someone and then ‘just do it’.
2. Make forgiveness unconditional
True forgiveness is always unconditional. Condition creates expectations and eventually draws you into a vicious cycle of misery. So, when you want to forgive someone, do it with no strings attached.
3. Learn to forget
It is important that once you forgive someone for something, you must also make a quick effort to forget that situation and the bitterness it caused. In extreme cases, you may also want to forget the person and have no association with him/her in the future. However, the critical thing is to carry no baggage.
4. Make forgiving a habit
Forgiving is a sign of strength. It is the best gift you can give yourself. Yes, there is always something at stake when you are in a conflict; it could be money, reputation, ego or something else. But by learning to let go, you can give yourself and others a chance to create something more loveable and meaningful.
5. Be at Peace
When you respond to evil with kindness you experience divine peace. When you forgive, you set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.  It frees you from being revengeful and allows you to create a positive space to operate from and thus increase your productivity.
In conclusion, let me tell you a small story. A teacher asked her students – What is forgiveness? A cute child gave this lovely reply… “It’s the wonderful smell that a flower gives when it is being CRUSHED.” On that note, I encourage you to build the courage and take the first step to develop the art of forgiveness.


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